Tag Archives: tips

Following clothes

This morning I walked from a bright, sunny quadrangle into a shadowy corridor that leads down a ramp, through a doorway, into a foyer. It takes a long time for my eyes to adjust to the change in light, but today was my lucky day. Two precious people were walking ahead of me and one was wearing a black and white striped skirt, a perfectly elegant landmark unknowingly escorting me through the narrow doorway.  

I did say thank you and, since I know her quite well, joked about the usefulness of  the vertical pedestrian crossing! We laughed together about the odd behavior required by people with confusing vision. It only then dawned on me that I have something to write about: the usefulness of following bright clothing, bags, prams, rolling suitcases and the like. 

Public spaces , and public transport, are often very difficult to navigate… without the public. Insufficient colour contrasts, lack of decor landmarks and complicated signage often make moving about alone quite trying.

Thank God for people.